Welcome to Week 1: RITUALS and The Practical.

  • Meditation, Journaling, Dream Journaling, Ice baths

  • Morning walk, 100 jumps, 7 minute workout, yoga, pilates, running, stretching, massage, +

  • Prayer, Gratitude, healing, Breathwork, +

So happy you’re here at week 1!

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD or other forms of Neurodivergence it’s likely you struggle to really be HERE and present in the physical world and body. It’s likely that it’s felt unsafe or ungrounding to be living in this physical world with rules and certain structures that feels uncomfortable for your energy to work with. The truth is… You get to thrive, you get to feel good about who you are, what you’re here to do, and who you’re here to be.

Over these next weeks we will be focusing on your ENEGRY and how to help you truly thrive… The first energy center we will be working with is the Root. The root is all about THRIVING in the physical body, safety, security, thriving, and health.

Let’s get started with the Root.


Rituals give your magic, your energy, your intention a vessel to flow through. While a Ritual is very physical in the act it is deep energy work as this intention is thrown into other reals and portals. Your rituals will give you the space and time to connect, regulate, and find meaning within your life.

It’s normal with ADHD to feel scattered, overwhelmed, ungrounded… Have you experienced this? Your daily rituals will bring you back to your center, create more grounding, safety, security, and joy in your day. Your only as strong and grounded as your practices and rituals.


Your intention is where you direct you intention to and through. Choose your intention with thought, consideration, and hope.


Decide what you want for yourself and write it down:


“A beautiful loving home and family, a successful business, and to be happy and financially free.”

When you write this down it’s very likely you will have limiting beliefs come up on why it’s not possible for you… Ex. “I can’t have it because I always self- sabotage.” “I’m not organized enough.” “Good things don’t happen to me.” “It’s never happened before so why would it happen now.”